“Charbroiled, grilled meats increase high blood pressure… doesn’t matter if it’s red meat or fish”

A study recently found that grilling and broiling meats, regardless of whether it is fish, chicken, or beef, can increase one’s risk of high blood pressure. Also, eating meat that has been prepared well-done as opposed to medium-well, medium-rare, and rare can also increase one’s chance of high blood pressure. Eating broiled and grilled meats have been correlated to greater plaque build-up in blood vessels.

The article provided other ways to cook meat to reduce one’s chance of having issues with high blood pressure, including sauteing foods in non-stick cookware with natural food spray, poaching chicken and fish in fat-free liquids, and using cooking racks so that the fat from roasting meats can drip off.

I think studies like this are important because high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are growing problems in the United States, especially in low-income communities. For those who may only have access to grilled/broiled meats (especially in the form of fast food) as opposed to healthier food options and baked meats, their risk of CVD increases.

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Link: https://food.news/2018-04-24-charbroiled-grilled-meats-increase-high-blood-pressure.html; https://carrington.edu/blog/medical/blood-pressure/blood-pressure/



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